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Committees formed for procurements at FBR
Committees formed for procurements at FBR

ISLAMABAD: The Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) Thursday constituted committees for procurements at FBR in connection with FBR Transformation Plan for 2024-25 and 2025-26.

According to a notification issued here on Thursday by the FBR, the competent authority has notified committees for procurements at FBR in connection with FBR Transformation Plan or any other procurement as assigned to these committees by the competent authority from time to time for the financial years 2024-25 and 2025-26.

The Committees shall perform their functions as per provisions of Public Procurement Rules, 2004 as amended from time to time.

The Procurement Committee: Member (Admn/HR) would be the chairman of the committee. Members included Member (Audit/CRM), Member (Customs Operations), Chief (Admn & Finance), Secretary (Admn), (Chair/Convener) and any other Co-opted Member (s) nominated by the Chair of the Committee.

Terms of reference included procurement Committee shall approve the procurement activity before and after the Bid opening and evaluation report respectively; validate the need of procurement.

The committee shall approve the bid evaluation report and decide to award the contract to qualified bidder.

In order to support the Procurement Committee, following Committee shall Support: Technical/Financial Evaluation Committee: Member (IR-Operations) would be the convener. Members are Member (Customs Policy), Chief (R&A), Chief (Management/ HR-IR), Chief (Management/ HR-Customs), Chief (F&C) — Customs, Secretary (Expenditure) — IR, Second Secretary (IR-CPF)

TORs of Technical Evaluation Committee: Committee shall formulate/design the tender documents for the procurement activity. It shall confirm that the evaluation criterion is proportionate and appropriate to the type, nature, market conditions, complexity, risk, value and objective of what is being procured.

The committee shall decide the “Market Approach Options”, “Selection Method”, “Procurement Magnitude”, “Specifications”, “Customized Procurement Document” and shall receive, open and evaluate the bids/ proposal.

For solicitation of any additional information clarification from bidders/prospective consultants the Procurement Specialist would provide necessary coordination support, subject to condition that no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted.

Bid/proposals once made non-responsive would not be subsequently made responsive by altering the content of bid/proposal or on the basis of any extrinsic to the contents of bid/proposals or procurement documents.

Incidence of Conflict of Interest of bidders/consultants/prospers and evaluators should immediately be submitted in writing and the team member found to have any conflicting interest would be replaced by another team member.

Physical Inspection Committee included Chief (IR-Operations), Secretary (Coordination), Secretary (E&C), Second Secretary (Stores/ Transport) (Chair/Convener) and any other Co-opted Member nominated by the Chair of the Committee).

TORs of Physical Inspection Committee included to conduct the inspection and physical verification of delivered items/ equipment and services (in case of service related procurements) and check the delivered items/equipment is in conformance with the given specifications (same shall apply mutatis mutandis to service procurements).

The committee will check that the supplied goods/items are stored, supplied, and retained according to SoPs and supplied in prescribed quantity.

Source: Business Recorder, 2024


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Committees formed for procurements at FBR - by Business Recorder - 12-06-2024, 04:04 PM

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