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KPRA Launches Tax Compliance Drive for Wedding Halls and Restaurants - Printable Version

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KPRA Launches Tax Compliance Drive for Wedding Halls and Restaurants - TaxationPk - 12-04-2024

KPRA Launches Tax Compliance Drive for Wedding Halls and Restaurants

PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN: As winter approaches and the wedding season gets into full swing, the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (KPRA) has initiated a comprehensive monitoring and enforcement campaign aimed at wedding halls and restaurants across the province. This strategic drive, spearheaded by KPRA Director General Fauzia Iqbal, seeks to improve tax compliance in these sectors during their busiest period of the year.

KPRA teams are actively conducting on-site visits to wedding halls and dining establishments in Peshawar and other districts. The purpose of these visits is not only to inspect business records but also to educate business owners and managers about the obligations associated with the sales tax on services. The campaign emphasizes the importance of accurately reporting sales, avoiding tax evasion, and submitting monthly tax returns in a timely manner.

According to a statement from KPRA’s communication wing, this enforcement drive has been launched to address the anticipated increase in business activities in restaurants and wedding venues, driven by the seasonal surge in demand. The initiative aims to promote a culture of tax compliance in these high-activity sectors, which play a significant role in the local economy.

Specially designated teams, comprising assistant collectors and tax inspectors, have been assigned to visit wedding halls and restaurants. Through these in-person inspections, KPRA officers are not only monitoring compliance but are also providing real-time assistance to business owners, clarifying tax requirements, and addressing concerns on the spot.

Director General KPRA, Fauzia Iqbal, highlighted the importance of timely tax payments for the economic self-reliance of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. “We urge the business community to fulfill their tax obligations, submit returns regularly, and contribute to the development of our province,” she stated. She stressed that sales tax on services is vital for sustaining essential public services and supporting the region’s growth.

To streamline tax compliance for wedding hall operators, KPRA has introduced a fixed tax regime in addition to the standard percentage-based tax system. Under this regime, wedding halls are categorized based on size, with a set tax amount assigned to each category. This tax is collected from clients on a per-event basis and is directly deposited into KPRA’s account, simplifying the process for business owners and ensuring consistent revenue collection.

Director General Fauzia Iqbal reaffirmed KPRA’s commitment to facilitating a straightforward tax payment process. “Our teams are dedicated to supporting taxpayers, and we are proactively reaching out to offer assistance where needed,” she assured. Business Recorder

This targeted drive underscores KPRA’s dedication to fostering a compliant and cooperative business environment in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, especially in sectors that see heightened activity during peak seasons. The campaign is expected to strengthen tax revenues, enhance transparency, and support regional development through a well-organized approach to tax enforcement.